Sunday 18th July

Hello there the sketchering peoples!!!!

Isn't the weather between showers deadly? :) Right then, we've been invited (I love it when that happens) to go to Dartmouth Square in Ranelagh this weekend for some eating, drinking and perhaps the scattering of myriad pigment across an apprehensive page. What's that? Oh yes, some sketching, that's what we'll be at for the most part. See there's this thing on whereby everyone in a community comes out and has a giant feast. Eh, Giant Feast, it's called, I think. Or Street Feast maybe, but it's not on a street, hmmm. One thing's for sure, I might make it this weekend!! Where's that linkie gone, there, look, there it is see? 'Course you do. So bring along sammidges and some bottle of whatever if you like. Also an umbrella and sunglasses. Hopefully we can find somewhere to sprawl collectively and draw some of the slower moving passers by. If people are walking too fast to be drawn I can always start setting traps :)

So we'll meet at 2:00pm on Sunday, as is the relative norm, at the gates on the southwest side of the square. Yes, there appears to be a gate there just past that roundabout thingie. If you're late in or can't find us just carry on into the square and partake of some festivities. Look for giant beards and sketchpads, you'll see us :) If it's your first time just wander over and introduce yourself. From what I can tell, the Charlemont stop on the green luas line brings you to within screaming distance of the square. So get off there and scream, someone will be right with you. Probably many someones but try not to be too perturbed by the flashing lights and wailing noises.

So there you go, thanks again Caitriona for the gracious invite, hopefully you'll come over and say hello at some stage. Sketcher Member Organised Event (tm) Let's get an acronym out of that, eh SMOE? How about Sketchers Member Organised Kreative Event. Nice. :)

See ya,